You’ve probably heard a lot about affirmations, but are they something you’ve been hesitant to try for yourself? Affirmations are something I recommend for everyone, and when used correctly, I believe they have the power to make magic happen!
So what exactly are affirmations, and what do they do?
To put it simply, affirmations are positive statements used to promote personal growth or change in the person practicing them.
Affirmations can be either thought internally, said out loud or even written down in a journal. When practiced regularly they serve to re-train our thought and speech patterns, which ultimately leads to positive changes in our everyday lives. Think of them as self-fulfilling prophecies!
How does it work?
The science behind affirmations is something I find truly fascinating. Psychological studies show that when we practice affirmations, we are literally programming our subconscious mind.
Have you ever been in a bad mood, and you somehow seem to attract even more bad energy and negative encounters? The same phenomenon occurs when you practice affirmations, only in reverse. When you put good vibes out into the world, you attract them back tenfold!
What do I need to do to try it?
The first step to start reaping the rewards of regular affirmations is to identify an area of yourself you’d like to work on, or an area of your life you’d like to change.
Then work on creating a positive statement that relates to the identity you envision for yourself. For example, if your goal was to encourage yourself to increase the amount of time you spend being physically active, you could simply say:
“I love exercising.”
That’s an example of a perfectly fine affirmation, and for some that may very well earn them the outcomes they seek. However, it’s little bland, and for someone whose goal is to exercise more, repeating that they love exercise may feel a little disingenuous. In that case, more effective affirmations could be:
“I love the way exercising makes me feel.”
Once you’ve decided on your affirmations, think about how you will make it part of your everyday routine. As long as you’re practicing it regularly, there are no rules. Whether you choose to practice at morning or night is completely up to you.
While you’re working towards making affirmations a habit, consider leaving reminders for yourself in places you’re sure to see them, like your wallet, mirror, computer, or even in your car.
Did you know there’s even a mobile app to help your affirmation practice? For those of you who spend a little too much time attached to their phones (guilty!) Affirmable could be a great option for you to trial.
How can I learn more?
Affirmations are a vital part of my Soul Bootcamp Programme, an online group coaching experience with you and a group of game-changing likeminded women.
Soul Boot Camp will provide you with the strategies, tools, mindset, connections and accountability to help become the very best version of yourself. Over the course of six weeks, we look at the importance of affirmations when practicing mindfulness, manifestation and self-love.
You will also be granted access to our Soul Bootcamp Facebook community and private membership site for the support you need to create your dream life.
Apply online to secure your spot in the next Soul Bootcamp. Don’t miss out – places are limited!